Nattokinase is an enzyme that is extracted from a popular Japanese food called natto. According to legend, the warrior Minamoto No Yoshiie found boiled soybeans that had been left on straw and had fermented, leading to the discovery of Natto. By the end of the Edo period (1603-1867), Natto had become a regular part of Japanese culture in some areas. Some believe that Natto (and, by extension, Nattokinase) may play a role in the lower overall incidence of cardiovascular disease in Japan.
According to the research on this powerful enzyme, it can lower blood pressure, help reduce the risk of atherosclerosis, help lower lipids, support optimal blood flow with its anticoagulant properties, and may even be neuroprotective.
Most folks that I have worked with have “thick” blood based on their fibrin lab results, especially the older they get. As our environment and lifestyle adds toxins to our body, our blood tends to thicken because the liver becomes overwhelmed. Lifestyle, eating habits and natural supplements can really assist in our cardiovascular health.
Benefits of Organic/Raw Nattokinase:
Manages high blood pressure
Deep vein thrombosis prevention
Improves circulation
Prevents or reduces artery hardening
Cholesterol control
Treats Alzheimer’s disease
In Chinese Medicine, we call it moving blood, which helps nourish the body and prevent heart disease. In the natural Western world, we call it a clot buster or blood thinner and it can be used similar to a daily aspirin.
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