The first and perhaps most important step in the healing process, is that you have to want to heal; you must want to pursue and create change in your life. For some, it is not an easy journey and can feel daunting at times. The healing process requires dedication, patience, and big-picture thinking. Maxxed Out Health will guide you step-by-step and be there throughout the process.
To invest in your health and well-being, we first need to determine the underlying causes. Maxxed Out Health’s multi-faceted approach will include the following elements:
LABS A full workup of bodily fluids (blood, urine, stool, saliva), environmental toxins, and hair will be analyzed to inform a thorough and effective treatment protocol.
MINERALS and NUTRIENTS Our bodies are rich in minerals and nutrients, but balance is key. This will be achieved through a customized nutrient and mineral supplementation program.
HERBAL THERAPY Herbs can help with everything from the common cold to the side effects of cancer. Herbs, either ingested or applied topically, can support the body’s natural functions: heating, cooling, digestion, recovery, pain relief – the list continues!
FOOD THERAPY Our bodies are complex, and no two people are going to thrive on the same dietary and nutritional plan despite all of the books, blogs, plans, and podcasts declaring otherwise. Finding a nutrition plan that works with your body’s needs is our priority.
DETOXIFICATION Toxins, such as poisons or pollutants, can negatively affect health. While the body can eliminate these substances, sometimes it needs help. We will help your body reset and thrive.
LIFESTYLE Creating new healthy habit loops, and reinforcing those you already have, is key to healthy living and longevity. We will examine all facets of your lifestyle to find areas that need modifying.
NUTRITION You will learn the benefit of eating consciously, locally, and organically. You will learn what types of foods are right for you and how time-restricted eating patterns may benefit you and help you meet your goals.
WEIGHT-LOSS You will learn what types of foods are right for you and how a more deliberate and thoughtful approach to consumption can help reduce weight. Together, we will discover ways to optimize your metabolic function.
ENVIRONMENT While we are surrounded by environmental toxins, we can implement lifestyle tactics to minimize our exposure to them and reduce their impact on our health. We will evaluate the toxins in your day-to-day life and make a plan to reduce their effects.
HEALTH-COACHING We know that all of these tests and assessments can feel overwhelming. Don’t worry! We will guide you through it all, explaining everything so that you understand and feel confident moving forward.