Wellness Plans
Maxxed Out Health incorporates individualized programs designed to focus on your chronic ailment(s) while utilizing preventative measures. In addition, each patient receives a customized treatment plan based on their current level of health, concerns, goals, vision, values, and preferences.
All of Maxxed Out Health’s services, except acupuncture, are tele-medicine based and vary from 4-6 months with ongoing coaching. Wherever you are in your wellness journey, I can help.
Choose the tele-medicine plan that is right for you:
“Maxxed Out:” 6 Month Natural Health Program including 5 functional tests
“MO Energy and Detox:” 4 Month Natural Health Program including 4 functional tests.
“MO Energy:” 4 Month Natural Health Program including 3 functional tests
(The above programs include extensive test result interpretation, mineral and nutrient recommendations, and 25-50 hours of 1 on 1 coaching).
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA): 1 functional test with interpretation, mineral and nutrient recommendations. ($750).
Ongoing Health Coaching ($400 per month)
30 or 60 minute wellness call for a specific ailment ($50 or $100)
Full online dispensary with practitioner discount (10-20% off)
Natural health recommendations and resources (I’ve walked in your shoes).
Please inquire about programs, pricing & monthly memberships.
Cancellation policy: Life happens. Sometimes you need to cancel your appointment. If this happens, a 24 hour notice is greatly appreciated.