Sometimes, people have symptoms that they just can’t figure out. Acid reflux can be one of these symptoms. I have news for you, excess stomach acid is not the root cause of acid reflux, it’s actually quite the opposite. The root cause of acid reflux can be from a number of different things: low stomach acid, infections (such as H. Pylori), and/or low minerals such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, and sodium. If you are treated for this ailment from an allopathic doctor, their solution will likely be to “band-aid” the symptoms with some pharmaceutical meds (PPI’s). But, what do those pills really accomplish? They actually deplete our minerals and nutrients even more, exasperating the problem, making it more difficult to heal. Through functional testing, I investigate and attempt to find the root cause. As mentioned above, one very common cause of acid reflux is from an infection called Helicobacter Pylori (H. Pylori). This infection in the stomach can wreak havoc on your digestion, causing food sensitivities, and an inability to absorb nutrients and minerals that help produce stomach acid. In my experience, H. Pylori can present in some very interesting ways; not just as “heart-burn”. It can cause stomach bloating/fullness, slow digestion, plum-pit sensation in the throat, shortness of breath, constipation and even ulcers. My program offers many natural solutions that can usually clear up most cases, and drastically reduce, if not clear symptoms. Diet, stress reduction, proper minerals and nutrients help strengthen the stomach, allowing it to create its own stomach acid, which is needed to fight infections and improve nutrient absorbability.
Compliments from Functional Medicine University